Sitter position available Monday, Jan 27, 7:15pm - Tuesday, Jan 28, 6:30am - $28/hr

Posted a month ago by a parent

Monday, Jan 27, 7:15pm - Tuesday, Jan 28, 6:30am
Woodinville, WA 98077
$28/hour for 11.25 hours

About this babysitting job

Hello- I m going out of town for work for 3 nights Monday night thru Thursday morning - I’ve never left our 9 month baby girl Josephine she does not sleep through the night, she has multiple wakes and requires being comforted sang to or nursed to go back to sleep. The only way I feel comfortable leaving is if we hire someone to help overnight- as it’s just too much for my husband to handle while also tending to our two young boys who also don’t sleep through the night. I’m looking for someone like a night nurse who can be there to take care of the baby from evening time until morning time. We have an au pair who takes her in the mornning through afternoon. Greatly appreciate hearing from anyone who is interested.

Babysitting job details

Who you'll babysit for

1 child
Age: 9 months

Babysitting job duties

Job Includes

  • Feeding children
  • Bedtime Routine

Benefits of the job

  • Parking is easy to find/available
  • Kids will mostly be asleep

Applications accepted until Tuesday, Jan 28 at 7:15 PM.

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