Sitter job available Saturday, Jan 04, 6:45am - 5:00pm - $22/hr

Posted 6 days ago by a parent

Saturday, Jan 04, 6:45am - 5:00pm
Conifer, CO 80433
$22/hour for 10.25 hours

About this babysitting job

We are looking for a caregiver to watch our 2 and a half year old daughter on one or more Saturdays from Jan 4 through Feb 8. Our older kids are in ski school so need someone to watch our youngest while we are away at the ski resort. Our daughter is used to having a nanny as we had a live-in nanny until recently. We have two medium sized indoor Brittany spaniel dogs that are very friendly. We need to leave the house by 7:15 a.m. so would you need you here by 6:45 a.m. or you are welcome to arrive the night before and stay in our guest room. Our daughter usually wakes up between 7-7:30 a.m. You would need to feed her breakfast, lunch and snacks. She typically naps after lunch for 3 hours. We should be home from skiing by 5 p.m.

Babysitting job details

Who you'll babysit for

1 child
Age: 2 years

Babysitting job duties

Job Includes

  • Feeding children
  • Making meals

Benefits of the job

  • Parking is easy to find/available

Applications accepted until Sunday, Jan 05 at 6:45 AM.

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