Hiring a babysitter Monday, Dec 23 at 8:00 AM - 5:30 PM
Posted 17 hours ago by a parent
Monday, Dec 23, 8:00am - 5:30pm
Morrisville, NC 27560Rate dependent on experience
Paid via creditAbout this babysitting job
Hello! My name is Liana (I know the profile says “Matthew” but I’m just using my husbands account that his company set up for him) and I’m looking for someone to watch our girl on Monday while we’re both at work. Our daughter, Elodie, just turned two in August. Duties would include feeding her meals/snacks (all of which would be pre-prepped for you so no cooking necessary), diaper changes and playing with her. She naps from 1pm-3pm (she may sleep a little longer but not always) but other than that, there’s really no other schedule restrictions. She’s a super happy kid (doesn’t even cry when she wakes up, she just starts giggling and chatting with her stuffed animals until you go get her) and super easy to care for. We live in Morrisville and our neighborhood has 2 beautiful parks and playgrounds within walking distance, as well as other fun places within very short driving distance so you guys can go explore or just play inside for the day. You’re of course welcome to bring/order your own food/meals, but can also raid our kitchen and help yourself to whatever we’ve got. We also have a very sweet senior doggie who will be here with you guys, but she mostly just lays on the couch and will stay out of your way. If you’re interested in also taking her outside a few times during the day to potty we’d increase your hourly rate accordingly, but it’s not required. We have a dog sitter we love who can pop in to do that if you would prefer not to. Please reach out with any and all questions! Thanks for reading!Babysitting job details
Who you'll babysit for
1 child
Age: 2
Babysitting job duties
Job Includes
- Feeding children
- Making meals
Benefits of the job
- Meal included
- Parking is easy to find/available
- Cab/car service back home
Applications accepted until Tuesday, Dec 24 at 8:00 AM.
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