Part Time nanny position available starting Monday, Mar 03 - $15/hr

Posted 6 days ago by a parent

Part Time, starting Monday, Mar 03
Salt Lake City, UT 84111
$15/hour for 24 hours per week

About this nanny job

This is a steady 20ish hours a week job to cover my work needs. My son is sweet and caring and very energetic and fun. Your sure to have a good time. You will get to kick back and relax in our cozy little apartment with TV, toys, and the kitchen at your disposal. Just hang out with little man and take care of his needs. There are parks in the area (within walking distance) if you feel like venturing out for some fun. We also live in a beautiful area of the city if you are more in the mood of a leisurely nature walk. He is homeschooled, so there are educational opportunities if you like doing those types of activities with children. I will be paying with DWS subsidy. It's guaranteed steady pay but takes a bit of time to set up. Its approximately $500 per month.

Nanny job details

Who you'll nanny for

1 child
Age: 6yrs

Nanny job duties

Job Includes

  • Feeding children
  • Making meals
  • Bedtime Routine

Benefits of the job

  • Meal included
  • Parking is easy to find/available

Nanny job schedule

  • MON: 3:00 PM - 11:00 PM
  • TUE: 3:00 PM - 11:00 PM
  • WED: 3:00 PM - 11:00 PM

Applications accepted until Tuesday, Mar 04 at 12:00 AM.

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