Family needs a part time caretaker starting Tuesday, Mar 11 (flexible) in Section 5

Posted 3 days ago by a parent

Part Time, starting Tuesday, Mar 11
Chevy Chase, MD - Section 5 20815
Rate dependent on experience
Paid via cash

About this nanny job

We're looking for some occasional help with our 3-year-old son and 5-year-old daughter. Tues/Thursday mornings for our son and some weekday afternoons. Weekend hours needed as well if interested. Responsibilities include active time outside in our backyard or playground outings (less than 10-minute walk from our house), indoor play, snack/meal prep and tidying up the kitchen and play areas as needed. Our daughter loves arts and crafts and our son is an active little guy who loves his vehicles. They are both big fans of hide and go seek, bubbles, impromptu dance parties, and singing along with their karaoke machine they got from Santa :)

Nanny job details

Who you'll nanny for

2 children
Ages: (3 years, 5 years)

Nanny job duties

Job Includes

  • Feeding children
  • Making meals

Benefits of the job

  • Parking is easy to find/available

Nanny job schedule

  • TUE: During the day (flexible days)
  • THU: During the day (flexible days)
Schedule is flexible

Applications accepted until Wednesday, Mar 12 at 12:00 AM.

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