Nanny job available starting Wednesday, Mar 19

Posted 11 days ago by a parent

Part Time, starting Wednesday, Mar 19
Long Beach, CA 90808
Rate dependent on experience
Paid via cash

About this nanny job

Hayes is 6 months old and my wife (Leslie) and I are looking for care on March 19, 20, and 21 from 8:30am to 5pm. Leslie will be home, but works remotely from the house. We are looking for someone to watch and take care of Hayes, as I will be out of town. Taking care of Hayes includes bottle feeding him pumped milk and/or a formula bottle, playing with Hayes, putting him down for naps, and changing him. We also have 1 dog, Oakley, who is 7 years old and 35 lbs. He is mellow and well behaved. Oakley only has to be let out to our backyard and back in. Should this initial caregiving go well for both parties, we are interested in hiring a full-time coverage (40 hours per week) starting on April 17th, when I go back to work Thank you!

Nanny job details

Who you'll nanny for

1 child
Age: 6 months

Nanny job duties

Job Includes

  • Feeding children

Benefits of the job

  • Parking is easy to find/available

Nanny job schedule

  • WED: During the day
  • THU: During the day
  • FRI: During the day

Applications accepted until Thursday, Mar 20 at 8:30 AM.

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