Sitter needed Wednesday, Mar 12, 11:00am - 3:00pm - $25/hr

Posted 3 days ago by a parent

Wednesday, Mar 12, 11:00am - 3:00pm
Grand Rapids, MI 49546
$25/hour for 4 hours

About this babysitting job

Hello! We are in Grand Rapids for 2 weeks due to a family emergency. Reaching out to the great community of experienced care givers for help & engagement with our 3 yr old son at my parents house to allow me help my father with PT at assisted living on March 12-14. My husband will be working remotely the entire time at my parents home as well. However on virtual meetings for most of the time. If you needed help or had an emergency, interruptions are always welcome. My son loves to laugh, enjoys trains, painting, books, and building things. He thrives on routine & would like to continue his day care schedule of activities. Books, toys, and art supplies will be at your disposal. Meal/snacks will be premade for my son. CPR certification requested. Hoping and looking forward to hearing from the urban sitter village.

Babysitting job details

Who you'll babysit for

1 child
Age: 3.5

Applications accepted until Thursday, Mar 13 at 11:00 AM.

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