Hiring a full time caretaker starting Monday, Mar 17

Posted 16 hours ago by a parent

Full Time, starting Monday, Mar 17
South Orange, NJ 07079
Rate dependent on experience
Paid via cash

About this nanny job

We are a Maplewood family looking for a nanny 7am-9 am and 1.30-6.30 pm every Monday through Thursday and help with lunchboxes, laundry (kids and adults), kids room, dinner prep, light housecleaning and overall organizing. Kids are in school all day so half the responsibilities are kids related (including driving them to school/ activities/park ) and half the responsibilities are house related. We would need someone with a clean driving record, and comfortable driving 2 kids, picking them up and taking them to activities. The ideal candidate is caring and really engaged with K/pre school aged kids, energetic with a positive and go getter attitude overall. Organizational skills and cleanliness are critical as well. This is for a long term position to grow with our family. At least one strong reference from a family is needed. Please let me know if you are interested, let me know your experience in this type of role and I can walk you through the interview process.

Nanny job details

Who you'll nanny for

2 children
Ages: (3 years, 5 years)

Nanny job duties

Job Includes

  • Making meals
  • Driving children in caregiver’s car

Benefits of the job

  • Parking is easy to find/available

Nanny job schedule

  • MON: During the day
  • TUE: During the day
  • WED: During the day
  • THU: During the day

Applications accepted until Tuesday, Mar 18 at 12:00 AM.

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