Full Time nanny required starting Tuesday, Mar 25 (flexible) - $23/hr

Posted 3 days ago by a parent

Full Time, starting Tuesday, Mar 25
San Diego, CA 92129
$23/hour for 0 hour per week

About this nanny job

We're excited to welcome a caring and reliable sitter into our family! Our bright and playful daughter, Ashlynn, is 2 years old and loves to express herself. We also have a friendly standard poodle named Jax, who is the same age and well-behaved. We're looking for someone with experience caring for young children and who feels comfortable around pets. The hours are flexible, and we may occasionally need assistance in the evenings. As a military family, our schedules can be a bit hectic, especially on duty days or when I'm deployed. While we have a fantastic sitter currently, she has recently moved further away, and we want to ensure she isn't burdened with long trips for just a few days a week. That's why we’re eager to find another wonderful sitter to join us! If you're interested, we would love to hear from you! We have some upcoming dates that we need extra help with, particularly on the 20th and 25th of March (early mornings) and from the 28th of March to the 19th of May (various dates, we can go pver what specific dates we need help with), when overnight stays may be needed. To make your time with us comfortable, we offer the following accommodations: - Parking - Spare bedroom - Spare bathroom - Wi-Fi - Kitchen access We can’t wait to meet you!

Nanny job details

Who you'll nanny for

1 child
Age: 2

Nanny job duties

Job Includes

  • Feeding children
  • Making meals
  • Bedtime Routine

Benefits of the job

  • Meal included
  • Parking is easy to find/available
  • Kids will mostly be asleep

Nanny job schedule

    Schedule is flexible

    Applications accepted until Wednesday, Mar 26 at 7:35 AM.

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