Alta Loma, CA Babysitting Jobs

Looking for Alta Loma babysitting jobs? Earn extra cash by helping extra nice families with UrbanSitter. Apply today for occasional babysitting gigs, part-time or full-time babysitting jobs!

Available babysitting jobs in Alta Loma, CA

Family needs a part time caretaker starting TODAY (flexible)

****Please read the description and note the location and times for this position before applying. We are an easy-going family of three with a hypoallergenic dog. We are professionals and work not...

Part Time nanny position available starting Tuesday, Apr 01

Nanny needed for my 1 year old. She is super silly, sweet, and playful and I am looking for someone who is willing to be active with her, playful, and patient. Days can average anywhere from4-6 hours...

Part Time nanny required starting Tuesday, Apr 01 in Glendora Commercial Center - $22/hr

We need a caring and responsible babysitter for two toddlers starting on April 1, 2025. The schedule is on Tuesdays and Thursdays from noon to 5:00 PM to start with; potential for hours to increase...

Family looking for a part time caretaker starting Tuesday, Apr 01 (flexible)

Nanny needed for 6 years old on the spectrum, who is familiar with special needs, kind and funny, for 2-3 hours in the late afternoons or some weekends. He is high functioning, he likes chasing and...

Part Time nanny needed starting Tuesday, Apr 01

We're looking for a babysitter for 4 hours from 10am to 2pm who will do activities with our child.

Nanny position available starting Tuesday, Apr 01

Hi! We’re looking for a responsible and caring part-time babysitter to help with school pick-up for our two daughters (Kindergarten and 4th grade). They are sweet, calm, well-behaved, and pretty...

Hiring a babysitter Tuesday, Apr 01 at 9:00 AM - 6:00 PM in Disneyland - $35/hr

I'm looking for a sitter to accompany me and my kids to Disneyland (ages 7 and 10). My kids like entirely different types of rides so you will accompany one of my kids for part of the day to share in...

Family looking for a part time caretaker starting Wednesday, Apr 02

We are looking for a long-term responsible and fun afterschool caregiver in Sherman Oaks for 2 lovely kids 12 and 14 years old. Please have a reliable car and be okay driving to and from activities....

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