Sylmar, CA Babysitting Jobs
Looking for Sylmar babysitting jobs? Earn extra cash by helping extra nice families with UrbanSitter. Apply today for occasional babysitting gigs, part-time or full-time babysitting jobs!Available babysitting jobs in Sylmar, CA
Sitter job available Sunday, Dec 22, 4:00pm - 10:00pm
He has adhd and is on the spectrum but he's very intelligent and highly functional. He loves to play video games
Part Time nanny job available starting Monday, Dec 23 (flexible)
Looking for part time help taking care of our little 1yr old. Looking for initially 1 day a week, may have more time available as time passes. My mother currently helps us 3 days a week, but she may...
Part Time nanny required starting Monday, Dec 23 (flexible) in Orange College
This will mostly be taking child to school in mornings with occasional afternoon and weekends. Still finalizing schedule
Family looking for a babysitter Monday, Dec 23 at 10:00 AM - 3:00 PM - $23/hr
Need 1 day of backup daycare for my active little girl. I will be in and out of the house running errands. She requires lots of love and attention and likes going to the community park across the...
Nanny needed starting Thursday, Dec 26 - $25/hr
Children will need help from 1:30 pm to 6:30 pm. My oldest goes to school a short 2 min walk away from 9am until 1230pm. My youngest will also start school at the same time after the Christmas and...
Part Time nanny position available starting Friday, Dec 27 (flexible)
Hello looking for a reliable babysitter for my babies and also someone who likes dogs and willing to give them atttention and care as well. I have a 6, 4, and 22 mo old. Just looking for someone to...
Sitter needed Saturday, Dec 28, 9:00am - 4:00pm
We have one 5 year old girl and one 2 year old boy. Both are sweet and love to play. This job is targeted at the holiday season, but could easily become a regular weekend gig. We are not looking for...
Part Time nanny job available starting Monday, Dec 30 - $17/hr
Assistance with homeschooling and light housekeeping
Nanny needed starting Monday, Dec 30 in Pacific Palisades
We have a 5 yr old girl and 6 yr old boy. Job would require picking them up from school so a safe car that can take car seats is a must. 10hrs will be the minimum hrs. Sometimes more hrs would be...