Westminster, CO Babysitting Jobs

Looking for Westminster babysitting jobs? Earn extra cash by helping extra nice families with UrbanSitter. Apply today for occasional babysitting gigs, part-time or full-time babysitting jobs!

Available babysitting jobs in Westminster, CO

Seeking an experienced caretaker starting Saturday, Mar 15 in Highland - $25/hr

Help with our 2 kids at our air bnb. Take them to the park, do activities with them, helping with feeding meals and bathing. We look forward to hearing from you!

Family needs a babysitter Saturday, Mar 15 at 10:00 AM - 2:00 PM - $20/hr

we are home with the baby. I look for someone who can entertain my toddler in the meantime and feed him lunch. He is already potty trained

Family needs a babysitter Saturday, Mar 15 at 5:15 PM - 10:30 PM in Harvey Park - $21/hr

hey just need a sitter for a date night. we have 2 kids that both go to bed at 7.

Sitter position available Saturday, Mar 15, 6:00pm - 11:00pm - $20/hr

My usual sitter is unavailable this weekend so looking for backup care for my daughter! Pretty easy going kiddo, I’ll provide dinner for both of you! Just need about 2, 2.5 hours of play time and...

Sitter required Sunday, Mar 16, 10:00am - 2:00pm - $20/hr

We are at home but need someone who can play with my toddler while I take care of the baby, and my husband can do some gardening morning play - lunch - nap

Nanny job available starting Monday, Mar 17 (flexible)

My husband and I are architects and we work from home most days. Although you can imagine how difficult it may be to get work done with a 9-month old. Our daughter is a smart, happy baby who loves to...

Seeking an experienced caretaker starting Monday, Mar 17 (flexible)

My husband works from home and our daughters go to preschool 3 mornings a week. We are looking for someone every Thursday, as well as more weekdays in the summer when preschool is not consistent. We...

Family needs a part time caretaker starting Monday, Mar 17

Currently trying to find a better option then day care for my son who will be 2 in july, im trying to get a second job as a caretaker for the elder since my first job is cutting my hours down to not...

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