East Providence, RI Babysitting Jobs

Looking for East Providence babysitting jobs? Earn extra cash by helping extra nice families with UrbanSitter. Apply today for occasional babysitting gigs, part-time or full-time babysitting jobs!

Available babysitting jobs in East Providence, RI

Family needs a babysitter Monday, Mar 31 at 9:00 AM - 1:30 PM in Malden - $23/hr

Caring for a 4 month old baby while I am away for appointments. Responsibilities include bottle feeding, engaging in playtime, and taking him for a stroller walk around the neighborhood. He will have...

Sitter needed Monday, Mar 31, 6:00pm - 10:30pm - $28/hr

You’ll play, feed them dinner and then put them to sleep. Kids are two almost t4 year old twins

Part Time nanny position available starting Tuesday, Apr 01 (flexible)

Seeing who is out there for sitter services. Just would love to have a reliable person on hand for here and there work when sitting is needed. Sometimes just a few hours or sometimes all day. Pay,...

Part Time nanny job available starting Thursday, Apr 03

We are in need of care for morning hrs

Part Time nanny required starting Thursday, Apr 03 (flexible)

We're looking for a part-time nanny who can help us get our 18 month old son ready for daycare in the morning (7-8:15 am) and help care for him in the evenings (5:15 - 8 pm). He is a happy, playful...

Hiring a babysitter Friday, Apr 04 at 9:00 PM - Saturday, Apr 05 at 2:00 AM - $20/hr

My son is 5 very sweet he will be asleep he has autism but he’s is an easy kid if he’s awake he will just like to play he will be clean n everything will be out for you I have an event that night...

Family needs a babysitter Friday, Apr 04 at 9:00 PM - Saturday, Apr 05 at 2:00 AM - $24/hr

He goes to bed early he’s a sweet kid he just will probably like u to play with him you have full access to food tv WiFi and a quiet space if u need to do work

Part Time nanny needed starting Monday, Apr 07 in East Cambridge - $20/hr

We are looking for a drop-in/on-call sitter for my 9 month old daughter. I work remote, but may need a sitter some Monday’s. It may be for a full-day (9 hours) or just 5 hours. Schedule would be...

Nanny required starting Monday, Apr 07

We need an after school nanny 3 days a week (M, W, F) to pick up our son from school and play with him until 5:30 pm. The nanny could use their own car if approved by us, or could also use our car....

Family needs a part time caretaker starting Tuesday, Apr 08 (flexible)

Hi I’m looking for a loving person to help take care of my two girls tuesday, wednesday and thursday from 9-4pm. I am a stay at home mom who just needs support keeping the children entertained while...

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