Bacliff, TX Babysitting Jobs

Looking for Bacliff babysitting jobs? Earn extra cash by helping extra nice families with UrbanSitter. Apply today for occasional babysitting gigs, part-time or full-time babysitting jobs!

Available babysitting jobs in Bacliff, TX

Part Time nanny required starting Tuesday, Apr 01 (flexible)

Light house cleaning, meal prep, teach kid Spanish

Nanny required starting Tuesday, Apr 01 (flexible)

I'm looking for a reliable babysitter for my 2 - and 3 year-old. I work two jobs, including one with an unpredictable schedule, so I need someone available on short notice. Responsibilities include...

Sitter job available Thursday, Apr 03, 7:00pm - 11:00pm in Rice military

We are looking for a sitter to be present in the house while we go out to celebrate my husbands birthday. She will be down to sleep by the time we leave and would only need to be settled if she...

Hiring a babysitter Thursday, Apr 03 at 7:30 PM - 10:00 PM in Rice military

We are looking for a sitter to be present in the house while we go out to celebrate my husbands birthday. She will be down to sleep by the time we leave and would only need to be settled if she...

Hiring a caretaker starting Friday, Apr 04 (flexible)

Need someone to watch our son during the days on the days my wife and I both work! He is very easy going and the sweetest little guy in the world! It would only be 1-2 days a week here and there!

Seeking an experienced babysitter Friday, Apr 04 at 6:30 AM - 4:00 PM in Broadmoor apartments - $19/hr

Child has Autism/AdHD just need someone to watch him while I go in to work. He is active and has a lot of energy. He mostly to himself playing his game or watching YouTube. He ask for what he wants

Sitter position available Friday, Apr 04, 7:30pm - 9:30pm

My son will be sleeping. Please help with household chores.

Part Time nanny job available starting Saturday, Apr 05 (flexible)

Shadow for autistic son to go out places and waterparks

Hiring a part time caretaker starting Monday, Apr 07

Looking for a loving and caring part time nanny to help take care of my toddler and newborn (due March). My toddler will be 2 years old in April and he is a fun loving kid. He loves books, going to...

Part Time nanny required starting Monday, Apr 07

Help with my 2 grade school kids get ready for school and get the bus

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