West Columbia, TX Babysitting Jobs

Looking for West Columbia babysitting jobs? Earn extra cash by helping extra nice families with UrbanSitter. Apply today for occasional babysitting gigs, part-time or full-time babysitting jobs!

Available babysitting jobs in West Columbia, TX

Family looking for a babysitter Friday, Mar 14 at 5:00 PM - 11:45 PM

We have a 2 month old. Job includes feeding and changing diaper. She gets up approximately every 3 hours as of now to eat. Looking for childcare for date night.

Part Time nanny required starting Sunday, Mar 16 (flexible) in Central Southwest - $15/hr

Looking for a part time care giver (2-3x week) for newborn while we are at work. Husband will be working from home in his office. Duties would primarily include feedings, changing, and putting baby...

Seeking an experienced part time caretaker starting Monday, Mar 17 (flexible)

A playful 2 year old and an alert 5 month old need some love and care while mom takes care of household tasks and exercise.

Hiring a part time caretaker starting Monday, Mar 17 - $20/hr

Looking for help in picking up children from daycare and taking children to activities then help feed/bathe children and tidy up play area. Transportation in caregiver or parent's car. Thank you.

Part Time nanny job available starting Monday, Mar 17

We are looking for care for our infant daughter a few days a week during the day. I work from home so I will be here to help occasionally.

Family needs a part time caretaker starting Monday, Mar 17

We are looking for care for our infant daughter a few days a week during the day. I work from home so I will be here and will take breaks to nurse my baby girl.

Family looking for a babysitter Monday, Mar 17 at 3:00 PM - Tuesday, Mar 18 at 1:00 AM

I need to do a night shift at work. I will someone to start at 3, includes feeding the baby at 5 and again at 8, after which putting him in bed. He will most likely be asleep for the next 5 hours...

Seeking an experienced part time caretaker starting Sunday, Mar 30 in Braeburn Country Club Estates - $18/hr

In need of sitter who can bottle feed my baby, play/entertain my toddler. Keep clean area, serve prepped meals, diaper changes, & keep my babies safe.

Hiring a part time caretaker starting Monday, Mar 31 (flexible) in Museum District

Looking for day or night nanny (flexible days/hours) for newborn 1-3 months for months from April-June 2025.

Seeking an experienced caretaker starting Monday, Mar 31 in Braeburn Country Club Estates - $23/hr

Looking for someone who can help keep toddler/newborn entertained, safe, & on a schedule. Fixing prepped meals for my toddler and breast milk bottles for my baby. Keeping area clean & washing...

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