Mesilla, NM Babysitters Near Me
- Mesilla babysitter profiles include videos, qualifications & parent reviews.
- Browse by childcare experience, pay rate, response time, background check, and more.
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1 available babysitters in Mesilla, NM
Valeria Las Cruces
$12 per hour for 1 child
$12 per hour for 1 child
"I am bilingual, I am fluent in Spanish and English. I love kids and I have a lot of experience with children, because I used to take an elective class in high school that required to take care of kids..." Sign Up to See Full Profile
Sign up for UrbanSitter to search Mesilla babysitters by:
- Background checked babysitters
- CPR-trained babysitters
- Spanish-speaking babysitters
- Babysitters experienced with multiples
- Babysitters with infant experience
- Babysitters with a vehicle