Bumpus Mills, TN Nannies Near Me
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2 available nannies in Bumpus Mills, TN
Bernaja 1 review
$13 per hour for 1 child
$13 per hour for 1 child
"Hello , My name is Bernaja I go by Nazie . I am 20 years old and I have been around children all my life . I have 7 little sisters and lots of little cousins. Two of my aunts own daycares in the state..." Sign Up to See Full Profile
Amariah Springville
$8 per hour for 1 child
$8 per hour for 1 child
"My name is Amariah, As far as animals go I absolutely love them and I have many of my own so I know I can do a great job pet sitting! I love children and I have done some work at my church with babi..." Sign Up to See Full Profile
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- Background checked nannies
- CPR-trained nannies
- Spanish-speaking nannies
- Nannies experienced with multiples
- Nannies with infant experience
- Nannies with a vehicle