Highland, CA Nanny Jobs

Looking for Highland nanny jobs? Earn extra cash by helping extra nice families with UrbanSitter. Apply today for occasional nanny gigs, part-time or full-time nanny jobs!

Available nanny jobs in Highland, CA

Family needs a caretaker starting Saturday, Mar 29

We are in need of an extra pair of hands while I’m at work. My wife also will be training for a fitness competition so there will be a period of time daily for you to be the only caregiver for them....

Nanny required starting Monday, Apr 28

I am looking for a Full-Time Nanny for my newborn. She will be 3 months old by the time I return to work. I work full-time so the shift will require approx. 9 hours of service giving my commute. My...

Family looking for a caretaker starting Monday, Jun 02

We are looking for an experienced, caring, and dependable nanny to care for our 4-month-old baby boy in Tustin, CA. Ideal candidates should have infant care experience, be CPR/first-aid certified,...

Hiring a full time caretaker starting Monday, Jul 21 in La Sierra

Seeking a quality female nanny we can trust with our two young sons while we are at work. You are an extension of us and we expect you to follow the values and morals we want for our children. We...

Family needs a caretaker starting Saturday, Nov 01 (flexible)

Looking for nanny for a newborn. Home has two working parents who work shift work so schedules vary and rotate every 6-7 months. Live-in or partial live-in option is available with detached studio...

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3. Get paid
Parents either pay in cash or through UrbanSitter's online payment system. Money goes directly into your pocket or into your payout account. No waiting for payday and you keep 100% of your earnings.

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